Content Harry Potter


Patches posted a comment on Friday 12th October 2012 5:08am for Soul Searching

This is really different. I like the part about Ron asking Harry if he would prefer to share the large bedroom with Hermione instead of with Ron. That is a more mature and reasonable thing for the two boys to discuss. I'm glad Ron left before they all lost their tempers to the point that it destroyed their friendship. The order and especially Remus and Tonks fighting death eaters and killing them. That makes more sense than just hiding from them. I like the fact that they have a good way to communicate. The mirros are excellent. Hedwig is helping them keep in touch with their friends too. The talk with Gellert Gridlewald was really enlightening. I'm glad that Grindlewald finally realized that he had made a lot of mistakes. It is great that Harry and Hermione are able to make some plans that Grindlewald can help with. I wonder what the rune is that Hemione left on the prison wall? Is it to let them know when Voldemort does go to talk to Grindlewald? I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms