By Chem Prof
gara5289 posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2012 3:28pm for Consequences
Really enjoyed all the proposal rejections. And i agree, poor Ginny.
dfpepper posted a comment on Tuesday 24th January 2012 1:58pm for Consequences
This was a great short story, and I loved the way you handled the rejections.
While Daphne's aggressive approach was not unexpected, I thought that Susan's bearing of some cleavage was a funny moment.
Thanks for all of your efforts.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2012 12:23pm for Consequences
Yeah, I can sympathize with this Ginny as, despite her best and strongest efforts, she still didn't "land" Harry. I was amused by Daphne Greeengrass' efforts and her reaction when she found out he couldn't be mainipulated that way (had to be rather a surprise given what we know about most of the wizards in their year in Slytherin).
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 11th January 2012 3:42am for Consequences
This is a great little story. I like the way Harry and Hermione tried to spare the feelings of all the other people involved in the marriage contract business beginning with Terry. He took it very well. Daphne was a surprise at how incensed she was about Harry's decision. She knew Harry the least and expected to win out over all his other friends that were girls. Very well done. I liked the ending with the engagement and the elder Granger parents reactions. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more little stories like this. pms
Shadowdog posted a comment on Thursday 7th July 2016 3:35am for Consequences