Dear Ginny
Part 3, Coming Together, Falling Apart
By Chem Prof
Part 3, Coming Together; Falling Apart
Letter 8
Wednesday, 25 June
Dear Ginny,
We had another adventure today. We just got back from visiting Hogwarts. Now before you start up complaining about us not taking you along again, I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted to go where we went in the castle. We went back down into the Chamber of Secrets.
Let me explain. Hermione and I had the idea that one of the magical items we’re looking for might be in the Chamber. So we all went down and explored it. As you remember, I didn’t really stop to have a look around the last time – I was much more concerned with getting you to safety. Anyway, once we explained to McGonagall what we wanted to do (and Dumbledore’s portrait helped us convince her that it was a good idea) we all went down. McGonagall, Flitwick, and Hagrid went with us. Everyone was fascinated to see what the Chamber was like, and frankly it I was curious to see if it was the same way I remembered it. Ron was the only one besides me who had ever been down there, and as you may recall he never made it past the rockslide. I was very thankful that Hagrid was there to move the rocks out of the way, although all of us were able to help by levitating them too. They were all impressed with how big the basilisk was (its body was still there, although it had deteriorated quite a bit). Fortunately Flitwick, McGonagall, and Hermione are very good with scourgify and air freshening charms.
After looking around quite a while, and finding several secret hiding places, we finally found what we were looking for. I also found the basilisk fang that I used to destroy the diary, and in addition Hagrid broke off the other fang that was still on the basilisk skeleton for me. The first one will make a good souvenir, and I think the second one will be very useful for one of the things we have to do this summer. Hagrid explained to us that basilisk venom never goes bad, and the second fang still has some in it.
McGonagall also wanted to talk to Hermione and me privately. She wanted to know if we would be willing to be Head Boy and Head Girl next year! Can you believe it? Me, Head Boy? (Obviously Hermione was going to be Head Girl. I’m sure she was the only one in the school who didn’t think that was a sure thing.) But with all the trouble I’ve gotten into over the years I would never have thought they would want me. I hope Ron won’t be too jealous. I know being Head Boy was a dream of his, but honestly, can you imagine anyone from our class who they would be less likely to pick? With his attitude toward schoolwork? OK, Crabbe and Goyle for sure, but not too many others.
Now, it’s not official, so you can’t tell anyone. There are some reasons why Hermione and I might have to turn them down. Yes, I’m sure you’ve guessed – it has to do with me going after Voldemort. McGonagall was not happy at all when we told her we might not accept. She looked so distressed that we decided that we couldn’t just reject her outright so we left it up in the air. We told her we’d let her know next month.
Afterwards, we all celebrated by having dinner in the Great Hall. It sure is different there in the summer. In one way, it was like it was during Christmas break, when there were only enough of us for one table. But it was warmer during the summer and the whole atmosphere was brighter. Most of the teachers are gone for the summer and of course there were no students there (besides us). It sure seemed like a more pleasant place to spend the summer than it is here at the Dursleys! For one thing, I could actually practice magic there instead of having to sit here waiting for my birthday before I can do any magic. Just think of all the spells we could learn.
That brings up something else we’ve been discussing. We’re trying to figure out where we’re going to go once my time at the Dursleys’ is up. Ron, of course, thinks we should go to the Burrow for the rest of the summer. Hermione would like us to go to her house for a bit. I can see both of their points. Like I said in another letter, Hermione hardly ever gets to spend time with her parents. And Ron hasn’t spent any time at home with you guys since Christmas. On the other hand, we were all at the Burrow for most of the summer last year. Yet another problem is that Ron is tired of living like a muggle, and his last experience at Hermione’s house wasn’t too pleasant. Oh well, we still have several days to decide.
Well, that’s the big news. Let’s see, what else is there to mention? Oh yeah – Ron and Hermione are back to normal. Of course for them, normal these days means alternating arguing and then making up. I always have to leave the room for the make-up sessions. (Or should I say ‘make out’ sessions – grin.) I’m still playing referee. Maybe mediator is a better word for it. Ron will get me alone and complain about Hermione, and I’ll try to calm him down and talk up her good points. To hear me try to convince him sometimes you’d think I was the one who was going out with her. Then Hermione will bend my ear while we’re down in the kitchen fixing something to eat and I’ll try to remind her of why she likes Ron so much. That sure seems like a weird relationship to me.
Ron’s gotten really good at apparating. I don’t think he’s ready to try to side-along anyone, but he’s just fine by himself. I think he’s going to go for his license next week instead of waiting for me and my birthday. It’s a real pain having our birthdays be near the end of the summer and being the youngest ones in our classes isn’t it? I shouldn’t complain, since yours is even later than mine.
That’s all for now.
Letter 9
Thursday, 26 June
Dear Ginny,
Come on, this is getting ridiculous. It seems like I can’t write anything without you getting upset and going off on me. Look, I told you before that you can’t do these things with us. I had no idea that you would want to go back into the Chamber. I guess maybe I don’t know you as well as I thought I did. I just figured that it would have too many bad memories for you. If you feel that strongly about it, I’ll take you back down there sometime when we’re at Hogwarts.
And I never said we were coming to the Burrow as soon as we left here. I realize that’s what you would like, but I’m not sure that’s the best thing for me. I mean for this task I’m working on. I don’t know how much research and training we’d be able to get done there. I’m not sure your mum would approve of what we’re doing. And it’s going to be getting pretty busy there, what with all the wedding preparations, right? Okay, maybe it would be fun to have a break from our work, and sure it would be nice to see you again, but we can’t stay there all summer. Once I turn seventeen I’m going to be spending all my time practicing spells. You know what I’m up against. Remember what I told you about how badly I did against Snape? Well, don’t you think Voldemort will be an even tougher opponent than Snape? Look, we’re going to come for the wedding, certainly, and I’m sure we’ll stay there for a while then. We’ll just have to see how things work out. I’m thinking I might want to get a flat for us to stay in where no one knows where we are. Like I said, we have to really get serious about our training.
I do appreciate the nice things you said about me being Head Boy. I hope you can understand why I might have to turn it down. I’m going to be very busy next year and I might not even have time for school, much less all the duties involved with being Head Boy. I’m glad to hear that you agree with me about Ron, but don’t you dare tell him I said that. I don’t think the comments you made about Hermione were very funny, though. I think all that studying she does has been very helpful over the years. I can’t count how many times she’s come through for me because she’s known a spell that was just what I needed to get out of a jam. And she’s loosened up a lot after hanging out with Ron and me for six years.
Time to get back to work. I really wish we could stop having these misunderstandings.
Letter 10
Saturday, 28 June
Dear Ginny,
What a disaster! What a complete and utter catastrophe! I have no idea how I’m going to fix this. Well, I assume Ron is there now, so he probably told you what happened. I’ve been trying to pick up the pieces all day, and I’m worn out. I’m writing this all down now because I’m too wound up to do anything else, and maybe if I sit here and write it out I’ll calm down.
I don’t know what Ron told you, but he really bollixed it up this time. I don’t think Hermione’s ever going to forgive him for this one. I told you we were trying to decide where to go when we leave here, and Ron and Hermione disagreed on where we should go. The disagreement started getting personal, and they both got more and more upset the more they argued. Louder and louder too. Fortunately Hermione put a silencing charm on the room before the yelling started. I almost wonder if she expected it to go that far beforehand.
Basically, Ron finally said he had no intention spending any more time around a bunch of stupid muggles. Hermione reminded him that these were her PARENTS he was talking about, and he said he was quite aware of that because they were just as bad as she was. She was too stunned to answer that for a minute, but Ron wouldn’t shut up. He said one know-it-all was all he could handle. Of course Hermione was in tears by now and she asked why he ever wanted her as a girlfriend if he didn’t even like her. He said that he didn’t know either and that Lavender was a lot better kisser than she was and Lavender also didn’t mind showing some affection. I don’t suppose you remember what I wrote back when they first got together. About hoping he realized that Hermione wouldn’t let him climb all over her like Lavender did. Well, apparently that’s exactly what he wanted from her and she hasn’t been ‘putting out’ (Ron’s words). I guess this has been a sore point between them all week.
Well, as soon as Ron brought up Lavender it was the final straw. Hermione slapped him, then pulled back and started sobbing. This is where I finally stepped in between them but when I did she latched onto me and wouldn’t let go. Well, I certainly wasn’t going to push my best friend away when she was in that state, so I tried to comfort her as best I could, while also glaring at Ron. He just glared back and then said something like ‘Oh sure, go to Harry. He’s the one you wanted all along anyway.’ At that I lost it and started to yell at him, but Hermione really went spare. She pulled out her wand and stood there pointing it at him shaking like a leaf. Finally she just growled at him to get out.
This was the first point in the whole business where Ron actually showed some sense. I don’t even want to think about what kind of hexes Hermione would have hit him with if he’d stayed in that room another minute. He apparated away in a blink. I’m not really sure where he went, but it might have just been to the back yard.
It took me a long time to get Hermione calmed down and get her to let go of me but I finally got her sitting down and drinking some tea. We talked for a bit (well, mostly I talked and she listened and either nodded or shook her head) and finally decided that she would go back to her parents’ house. Since she was still a bit shaky, I side-alonged her.
When I got back Ron was in the room and had cooled off pretty much. I think he knew he had ended it with Hermione for good, and may have seen it coming even before today, but it took a while for him to realize how much he had just messed up our mission. I had settled down enough that we were able to have a civil conversation, but only because I forced myself not to say anything about the things he had said to Hermione. He mumbled an apology for saying what he said about her and me and also for messing everything else up. Then he packed up and left. Since we were planning to leave tomorrow anyway, a lot of our stuff was already packed in our trunks. He asked me what I was going to do next, but I just shook my head. Then he said he hoped I would come to the Burrow but he understood if I didn’t right away.
I don’t know what to do now. There’s no way the two of them are going to be able to even be in the same room together, much less work together. If we thought it was bad between them last year for those two months after he started snogging Lavender, that was nothing like this is going to be. You know, I remember when it first looked they might get together last fall I wondered a bit what would happen if they got together and then broke up. I guess I’m going to find out now.
Ginny, I need both of them but when I’m honest about it I know I need Hermione more. She’s the one who always figures things out for us, and she’s the one knows how to research things. And right now that’s what I need most.
I guess I succeeded in calming myself down while writing this letter. I think I’ll pop over to Hermione’s house to make sure she’s all right, then come back here for my last night. I’ll write again when I figure out what I’m going to do.
Letter 11
Sunday, 29 June
Dear Ginny,
Just stop it already. I’m not in the mood for this. You know I had nothing to do with them breaking up. You know Ron was just saying that. And I can’t believe you said those things about Hermione. She is certainly not a frigid prude. I think she can be plenty affectionate. Just because she doesn’t want to writhe around like a pair of eels with a guy. Good grief, they’d only been going together for a week. You wouldn’t jump right into that stuff with a guy either, right? You and I certainly never did that and you seemed pretty disgusted with Ron and Lavender when they acted like that. I don’t know, though, from what I saw of you and Dean that time in the corridor, maybe you are like that and I never realized it. There seems to be a lot about you that I don’t know.
Look, I’m not too happy with Ron right now and if you’re going to take his side then I’m not too happy with you either. If either of you care I’m going to be staying at the Grangers’ for a while. I’ve cleared all of my stuff out of the Dursleys’ (and good riddance to that lot!) and moved it over here. Hermione needs me right now and I need her and if you can’t handle that then too bad.
Letter 12
Tuesday, 1 July
Dear Ginny,
I’m very sorry for those things I said about you in my last letter. I accept your apology and I hope you will accept mine. Things were so emotional last weekend that I just wasn’t thinking straight. I know you care about what happens to me. I don’t know why I said that. Again, I’m sorry.
Hermione suggested that I try to keep this letter more positive, so I’ll talk about what we’ve been doing here and not dwell on that other stuff. We’re getting along pretty good. Like I said before, I like Hermione’s parents a lot. They’re really nice people, ESPECIALLY when compared to the people I was forced to live with before. Whoops, started getting negative there. Okay, here’s something positive about that. Fred and George are planning some little surprises for that family I used to stay with, showing their ‘appreciation’ for how they treated me for all of those years. Perhaps you would enjoy helping them out. Ouch! Hermione just hit me on the shoulder. I guess that’s not the kind of positive thing she was talking about. (grin)
The Grangers had an extra bedroom, so I’m staying in there. I’m across the hall from Hermione’s room and we share a bathroom. She’s used to getting up earlier than I do so there’s been no problem with that. Mr. and Mrs. Granger are both dentists, so they are gone for most of the day. Hermione and I are in charge of cooking and other than that we have the whole day to ourselves. She’s been teaching me a lot of useful spells. I suppose you are aware of this, being from a wizarding family, but since the Ministry can’t distinguish who is casting a spell at a given location, I can do magic here because Hermione is of age. I bet that’s how you got so good at your Bat Bogey hex. You never had to worry about getting a Ministry owl for doing underage magic (you just had to hide from your mum and brothers!).
Our big project so far as been putting up wards and protective charms on the Granger house. Of course, you know Hermione – never does anything half way. By the time we’re done this house will have more protective spells on it than Gringotts, I bet! Ouch! She just hit me on the other arm.
In addition to studying and practicing spells, we’ve been exercising. Remus and Moody came over to visit us yesterday and they suggested that. They said the better physical condition you’re in, the more stamina you have and the longer you can cast spells in a fight without tiring out. Oh, Moody was pretty impressed with the protective spells we’re planning. Hermione was positively glowing when she heard that. You know if ‘Constant Vigilance’ Moody thinks we’re doing well, that’s quite a compliment.
Anyway, for exercise we’re running and swimming and we’re going to start lifting weights as soon as we get the weight training equipment we ordered. I don’t remember if I told you, but the Grangers have a backyard swimming pool. Is swimming something wizards do? I guess it must be, because Cedric, Krum and Fleur were able to swim in the lake during the Second Task. Were they all wearing swimming costumes? I know I just waded in wearing my robes, but I remember seeing Krum in swim trunks the week before. I never noticed what Fleur wore. Anyway, Hermione wears bikinis like most muggle girls do, but she says she doesn’t think witches do. She just told me that Fleur wore a swim costume that went out of style in the muggle world 50 years ago. If you and I ever go swimming together, I sure wouldn’t mind if you wore a suit like one of Hermione’s. I’ve never even owned swim trunks, so Hermione took me shopping again and I bought some. She’s also taught me how to swim. Now that I know how, it’s pretty enjoyable. Lying out in the sun afterward to dry off is quite enjoyable too.
In the evenings we spend time with Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Sometimes we play cards and sometimes we watch movies. Okay, I guess you wouldn’t know what movies are. I’ll have to show you sometime. We also spend a lot of time just sitting and visiting. I could really get used to this. It’s so much less stressful than my normal summers. But we know it isn’t going to last. Next month Remus and Moody are going to start teaching us combat spells, and teaching us how to duel. I think we’re going to need plenty of healing potions once that starts.
We still haven’t decided how long we’re going to stay here. I still think it might be useful to rent a flat somewhere, but Hermione’s enjoying being with her parents for a while. We’ll for sure make it to the Burrow for the wedding, if not sooner.
Still thinking about you.
Author Notes:
Just for the record, Ron & Hermione lasted a whopping ten days.
Regarding wizarding fashion. Even though the movies show the students dressed fashionably, it is clear from the books that wizarding styles, whenever they have to dress like muggles, are 50 to 100 years behind the times. (Also — there is no indication that the students wear uniforms in the books, nor do they remove their robes at the drop of a hat like they do in the movies.) So although Fleur’s one-piece swimsuit in the Goblet of Fire movie was more stylish than what is described here, I feel my description is more true to JK’s writing.