Content Harry Potter


Chibi-Vixen posted a comment on Monday 13th June 2011 8:37am for Summer's End

I have really been enjoying this Harry Potter fanfic and have found your Author's notes very informative, often answering questions I have been pondering myself as I read your story. When I read a story I enjoy I oftentimes start thinking ahead of things that might happen and I had a random thought I wanted to ask you about. If by characters using the time turner and seeing themselves or changing history creates a paradox, what would one of Voldemort's horcrux's cause if it managed to fully manifest as another Tom Riddle/Voldemort and teamed up with his other self. Would this create a paradox as well or would it just be two formidable enemies to face for the main characters?

Keep up the excellent work! I am looking forward to seeing this fic through to the end!

Chem Prof replied:

I don't think it would create a paradox, because they are two different beings, not the same person going through the timeline twice. This possibility is actually explored in the story Souls Abound, by Robst, on You might want to check it out.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 12th June 2011 1:07am for Summer's End

Once again a most entertaining chapter. Thanks for writing. W.