Content Harry Potter


kyoshi posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd August 2011 2:11pm

Love your writing. This is the 3rd time I've read this story and appreciate your writing skill every time!

Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 13th August 2011 1:48pm

First I start by saying that you are a very good writer, For me I knew that JKR was never going to pair Harry with Hermione since the first book. I also knew Harry was going to be paired with Ginny from the small clues I seen in the first book

I will never be a Harry/Hermione fan but I have a open mind, I don't mind reading Harry/Hermione as long as the writer don't hate Ron and Ginny and they don't go out of their way to bashed them. Ron and Ginny are just characters in a book so it not their fault they ending up with Hermione and Harry, JKR made the couples in the book so she deserve the blame not the characters.

I also find it Interesting that some passion Harry/Hermione fan seem so bitter that they did not get the pairing that they want,I have read an lot Harry/Hermione authors and 60% of them hate Ron and Ginny and they get their revenge by bashing them in their story's.

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 23rd June 2011 3:20am

Great story. I enjoyed it all over again. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd June 2011 2:39am

And a fine battle it is. Great chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2011 3:03am

Excellent battle. Thanks for writing. W.

redgrenade11 posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2011 6:27am

I have never left a review on your story or anybody else. I just discovered fanfiction a couple of months ago when I was bored at work. I make projectiles for the army and I have red hair. I don't want you to think that I'm weird for my choice of username. I am so hooked on this story that I had to write something. It makes me so happy every time I log on to see a new chapter uploaded. I was never a fan of the h/hr ship, so I refused to read them until now. You have won me over finally. This chapter is my favorite so far. I love the idea of interhouse teamwork and competition. When this story is completed, will you please write another one. Since I am new to this, I have not read your other stories. If you have written a dm/gw story, I would love to read it. It is all I have read so far besides canon. If you have not written one then, would you consider it? I know it will be as interesting as this one. A lot of authors just write smut but, you are different. Your ideas are so well thought out that I can see them in my mind very clearly. Thank you for writing this! It has been a great stress reducer!

Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2011 12:11am

Fine chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 19th June 2011 1:57am

Fine chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Saturday 18th June 2011 2:39am

Very nice. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 17th June 2011 3:43am

Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 16th June 2011 3:02am

Another good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 15th June 2011 3:48am

Nice chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wynter posted a comment on Tuesday 14th June 2011 9:15pm

Is it me or is Hermione getting extremely annoying? Maybe because it's focused on her POV~~ Have you tried writing in Harry's POV? And I eagerly wait their crisis, afterall, a relationship is not made only of happy moments.

Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 14th June 2011 2:36am

Another fine chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Chibi-Vixen posted a comment on Monday 13th June 2011 8:37am

I have really been enjoying this Harry Potter fanfic and have found your Author's notes very informative, often answering questions I have been pondering myself as I read your story. When I read a story I enjoy I oftentimes start thinking ahead of things that might happen and I had a random thought I wanted to ask you about. If by characters using the time turner and seeing themselves or changing history creates a paradox, what would one of Voldemort's horcrux's cause if it managed to fully manifest as another Tom Riddle/Voldemort and teamed up with his other self. Would this create a paradox as well or would it just be two formidable enemies to face for the main characters?

Keep up the excellent work! I am looking forward to seeing this fic through to the end!

Chem Prof replied:

I don't think it would create a paradox, because they are two different beings, not the same person going through the timeline twice. This possibility is actually explored in the story Souls Abound, by Robst, on You might want to check it out.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 12th June 2011 1:07am

Once again a most entertaining chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Saturday 11th June 2011 1:33am

Another good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Longreach posted a comment on Friday 10th June 2011 5:49am

A chapter a day and a good chapter each time at that, you are seriously spoiling us Chem Prof.

Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 10th June 2011 2:36am

Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 9th June 2011 2:40am

Fine chapter. I would think that the muggle aware students might like to play football(soccer to most of us yanks) that could involve quite a few and introduce it to the unaware. Thanks for writing. W.