Notebooks and Letters
A Plethora of Potters
By Chem Prof
Patches posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2012 12:35am for A Plethora of Potters
This is really good. I really like the changes you made. Harry discovering that Mad was a death eater polyjuiced again was great. I'm glad Harry took over and made changes that helped everyone escape reatively unharmed. Harry discovered that he either missed hitting the spell Voldemort shot at him or Voldemort had a different wand. I glad Harry was able to take Voldemort's wand. That was great. Hermione was smart to put a sticking charm on her so she couldn't fall off the broom. That made Harry's job that much easier. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms
gadriam posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2012 12:18pm for A Plethora of Potters