Content Harry Potter


Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2012 3:45pm for A Second Wedding, And Trouble Back Home

This is good. I like the way that Harry and Hermione are working together and that Ms. Delacoure is working with them to help muggleborns get to safety. I'm glad Harry came up with the idea to fly on brooms back to England after the problems they saw at the apparition point in Paris. Hermione's sleeping arrangement with Harry was cute. I'm glad they are that comfortable with each other and that she shared that with her daughter. Thanks for writing. pms

n1gxq posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd October 2012 8:08am for A Second Wedding, And Trouble Back Home

I am enjoying the story very much. I did not miss the reference to the ‘wardrobe malfunction’ which had to have come from the halftime show at the Super Bowl when Janet Jackson suffered (?) the same thing. Keep up the good work.