Content Harry Potter


brad posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2012 12:31am for End Game

Bloody poignant ending to this chapter, I've always thought. Wah! :-(

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 4:08am for End Game

This is a great ending to Voldemort. Very well done especially with the extending circumstances about Harry losing his memory. I'm glad Harry was with Hermione while she was pregnant. It is sad that Harry lost all memory of Hemione but that he retained his memory of Rose because he was there the day she was born and that was the day he lost all his happy memories. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing such an engaging story. pms

GBTtown posted a comment on Friday 12th October 2012 9:24am for End Game

A sad ending for a really great story. I was holding out hope there for a bit that dying would reverse the potion. Does anyone really believe that Snape was ever a good guy? That is one reason why I absolutely abhor Snape/Hermione fics. Or even worse, Snape/Harry fics. Of course slash in general is pretty awful.