Notebooks and Letters
The Rest Of The Story
By Chem Prof
Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2012 8:19pm for The Rest Of The Story
Wow! This is really different. Harry being petrified even after Dumbledore died was a big differrence. katie being the one that stupified the death eater that sent up the dark mark was greaat. I'm so glad that all of the DA survived and that the order didn't suffer too much. I'm glad Hermione was on the mirror so Ron was able to find Harry quickly. It was excellent that Ron was able to release Harry from Dumbledore's spell. The aftermath wasn't unexpected but Skriem geore threatening to incarcerate Harry was really out of line. I'm glad that the DA was able to stop him. I'm glad Harry was able to let Ginny down as well as he did. He and Hermione are deffinitely committed to eachother. I look forward to the 7th year story. pms
gadriam posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2012 8:49am for The Rest Of The Story
I know i don't review enough. Coming to think about it, this might be my very first one for this story. That makes me an ungrateful brass stud. Ouch.
On your notes, I'd like to point out the title to you. Of course she would have more to write a year that they were apart.
These little deviations you make are a great improvement on the original story. This Ginny is a person i can believe in. This Hermione is a personality that actually could spring from the first books. Your Harry is more competent and acts as much as he reacts when happenings happen. The originals makes him a constant victim of circumstances.
The turnaround of Ms. Chang is quite surprising though. There must have been a rather powerful eye-opening event behind the scenes somewhere. It would be nice with some kind of recap. I might be colored by all those PsychoHarpyCho-stories out there, though. Yours has been a softer character from the start.
A thoroughly enjoyable read, and i will strive to review more often..
Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 25th September 2012 8:29pm for The Rest Of The Story