Soul Searching/End Game
EG Chapter 17 - End Game
By Chem Prof
Andrius posted a comment on Saturday 7th May 2011 11:36pm for EG Chapter 17 - End Game
Hermione's a muggle? RAAAAAAGE!
tangentsferret posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 7:41pm for EG Chapter 17 - End Game
Oh, dude. I am so very sorry, and SO very angry right now. You have just completely blown the entire farking story for me. I was ENJOYING THIS, gorram it! It had a pretty good pace, some nice character development, a not-too-shabby plot, good mechanics... I was looking forward to seeing how it all turned out, and you just HAD to succumb to smartypants-itis at the VERY LAST MINUTE. (sigh)
The Star Wars lines were annoying, but would have been survivable, if you had not felt it necessary to flat out ANNOUNCE them. A subtle homage is one thing. Exact duplication of dialog is another, bumpier thing. But outright REFERENCING THE SOURCE in the next paragraph is a thing too many: not only have you-the-author been tacky, you have just insulted the intelligence of your reader by making the assumption that said reader *must* be too dense to get your oh-so-subtle in joke.
The Princess Bride bit was more of the same, but much, much worse. Also much, much more insulting.
You know what? I no longer care how this ends. I may look at the last bit, but I'll be looking to see how the writing goes, and if you do anything this egregious again, not to find out how Harry and Ginny got together, or if Ron married Daphne, or if Neville lives, or even if Viktor and Luna got together. Because thanks to you, they are now just characters in a story again, and I'm not involved with their lives anymore.
Shame on you! I expected better than this from you after reading that lovely AU one-shot.
Oh, and congratulations, I guess. This is the closest I have ever come to leaving a flaming review. You get the Flaming Ferret Award.
LordLexx posted a comment on Saturday 11th January 2020 10:11pm for EG Chapter 17 - End Game