Content Harry Potter


GBTtown posted a comment on Sunday 25th October 2015 8:13am

When you come to a fork in the road, take it.


Hawkins posted a comment on Saturday 5th May 2012 12:55pm

I love your writing. I share your belief that a happily married Ron and Hermione is the most far-fetched idea in the entire series. Even a 12 year old boy killing a basilisk with a sword he'd never held before makes more sense than that...

hubris posted a comment on Monday 11th July 2011 6:27pm

Plausible and quite fun to read.Thanks for sharing.H

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Monday 11th July 2011 3:43pm

I have loved this story very much. Please write many more.

00_Knight posted a comment on Monday 11th July 2011 8:38am

Honestly, before book 3 I thought Harry/Hermione were a given. They are just more suited towards each other, that it begs the question, why? Why did she decide to go after Ron? Its a good bet that if Hermione gave Harry any indication of attraction, the rest of the series would never have happened the way it did. Maybe it could be explained off as Hermione having moments of insanity, but....

Good "what if" story, and if anyone is truly honest how the 2 main characters should have ended their lives.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 10th July 2011 10:34pm

Good story. Thanks for writing. W.

jimone posted a comment on Sunday 10th July 2011 8:03am

I have only recently discovered the fanfiction sites. You are one of my favorite authors. Like you, I cannot understand how anyone can truly see Hermione with any one but Harry.

I often think that JKR must have been one of the trulu unpopular girls in school and will write anything to keep the football captain (Harry) from getting together with the cheerleader captain ( Hermione). Oh well, my opinion and $1.50 will get me a cup of coffee in some restaurants.

Thanks for all your stories and I hope you write more, even though the series is finished. I appreciate the time and dedication you have obviously put into your stories!

OlorinBlack posted a comment on Sunday 10th July 2011 4:40am

Please! As if Hermione would be HAPPY married to Ron! More like she might be CONTENT. but that would not quite be happy.

Let's see if I can get this to work...

As she watched the Hogwarts Express make it's way out of the station, Hermione Weasley gave a soft sigh.

Her husband, as dense as he normally was, waited with her until the famed Platform 9 3/4 emptied, silent and watchful before he asked, the nervousness that never seemed to leave him, asked, "Hermione, are you happy with your life?"

Hermione's eyes widened as she heard Ron ask a question that held what was unusual insight for him, and answered, soft and uncertain. "Happy? I remember being in school and how happy I was then. But now?" She shook her head, the soft curls that were once bushy and restless brushing against her shoulders. "I am content. That is enough."

Ron grew pensive at this answer. True, they had good children, but as the years went by, and the arguments between the two finally diminished and died, Ron had come to the realization that he was also not truly happy. Yes, he finally had something that none of the rest of his family could have had. His wife, Hermione Weasley, had helped to make him the head of the Auror division over the last 19 years. But he wasn't happy. No, Ron Weasley finally understood what Harry had said so many years ago, when he said, "Family, true family, is a great treasure, far beyond any of what is in my vaults. It doesn't matter what happens in your life, true family loves you for who you are. They don't try to change you into something else, either. Instead, they try to make you the best you that you can be."

Ron sighed softly, eliciting another wide-eyed look from his spell researcher wife. All his life, he had wanted to be the best in his family, and he had succeeded in then end. But success tasted like ashes as he realized that he had lost some things worth far more than that success. He hadn't sat and played chess or Quidditch in years. He didn't have the time anymore. As he thought about the decisions that had led to this moment, he began to sing softly, something he had heard several times from Hermione as she put their children to bed. "If only, if only the woodpecker sighed, the bark of a tree were as soft as the sky."

Hermione's jaw dropped as she heard regret in her husband's voice. "What's wrong, Ron?" she asked, hope warring with fear in her heart. She wasn't sure what she wanted the answer to be, but she knew that it would change everything.

Ron smiled a true smile for the first time in months. "Old choices leading to somewhere I never expected to feel like failure. If I could do it over, I wouldn't make the same choices."

Hermione began to smile softly, hope finally winning the war in her heart. She didn't know where this would lead, but she had found a way in her research to start the journey. That was enough for her. "I could give you the chance.

There's a start to an unusual twist on an old favorite of mine. Admittedly, that's the best I can do, but if you were to use this, I would be pleased and honored to read the resulting story. I couldn't write it myself, though. I have never been able to finish a story like this. But it begins a story where RON rather than any of the others can go back in time, and change everything.

NuitTombee posted a comment on Sunday 10th July 2011 2:44am

In the words of Monty Burns.


Thanks for another opportunity to comment/review.


Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 9th July 2011 10:47pm

Well Prof, I couldn't agree more with ya about the episode, er was that epileptic, no, I mean epilogue. What happened ter her over the years anyway? From two perfect partners, ter our 'Ermione with Ron? No don't get me wrong, I enjoy the family as a whole, and Carlie more that most, and while I've had Ron in me hut for many an adventure, I fed Thestrials with better table manners, and trolls with a better gift of communication. Where did the littlest redhead go from bein' a fangirl to the Love of 'Arry's life? Were Molly making more batches of husband catcher like she made fer Arthur?

Well, let me climb down off me scurgify crate so ter speak, and tell ya I think ya done a good job with this story straightenin' out the real story. Ya keep writin' 'em and I'll keep on readin' 'em.

brad posted a comment on Saturday 9th July 2011 9:20pm

Had to read this again. Something to take me away from work. :-)

> Finally, the idea that she would encounter Harry on Platform Nine and Three Quarters and not give him a hug, much less not even speak to him, was ludicrous.

Truth. I only read DH once, and the epilogue impressed me only with its complete lack of emotion. I guess the lack of any Granger-class hugs was part of that.

Lovely ending, quite easily trumping the canon version.